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Newsletter Day: March 22, 2023

Thobile Gamede

Looking ahead at 2023, and what we can expect for the Automotive Aftermarket regarding “trends”, and “future-technologies”, specific to the Remanufacturing Sub-Sector

Since the outset of the global pandemic in the first-quarter of 2020, countless Industries (and “economies of scale”) have changed its focus in terms of their business-models, in-doing-so, adapting to Industry “trends”, “new-technology”, and the likes thereof.

While the pandemic served as the primary driver of Industry evolution (moving Industries into an accelerated rate insofar the diversification, expansion, and branching-out of one’s business), it also accelerated the adoption of already emerging trends.

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Thobile Gamede

The changing Industry, and technological changes transforming the Vehicle

With 2023 on the horizon, it’s important to venture in on how “trends” and “new-technology” will shape the future in coming years, within the Automotive Aftermarket. The Automotive Aftermarket Industry will undergo a profound transformation (which already are hot-topics on many OEMs | Automakers’ | Stakeholders’ | and the Automotive Aftermarket’ lips i.e. Vehicle and Bodybuilders’ – the change has already begun).

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