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ARA Newsflash – ARA (in conjunction with The World Engine Remanufacturers’  Council) joins the Global Right to Repair Movement for Vehicles

Dear ARA Member

ARA (in conjunction with The World Engine Remanufacturers’ Council) joins the Global Right to Repair Movement for Vehicles

The World Engine Remanufacturers’ Council (WERC), of which The Automotive Remanufacturers’ Association (ARA) is the residing President, has joined other global association leaders to support the critical global right to repair movement by signing the new right to repair position statement.

The purpose of WERC is to create a world alliance of independent engine rebuilders in search of excellence in their work, better profitability, and greater awareness of the new trends that disruptive technology is bringing into the “engine rebuilding business”. South Africa is represented strongly on WERC, with ARAs National EXCO Chairperson: Mr Frank Mac NICOL as WERCs President, and ARAs National Director: Mr Attie Serfontein as WERCs General Secretary (GS).

The global right to repair position statement enumerates the core beliefs of the movement and the objectives and intended outcomes of right to repair legislation. Importantly, the document sets forth 10 best practice principles to developing a framework for right to repair legislation that any supporting country can use and adapt them to their needs.

A media statement was released on 6 April 2023, confirming ARA (in conjunction with WERCs) commitment to support the Right to Repair Movement in South Africa and globally.

Hereto attached please find the media press release, and the global right to repair, position statement – for ease of reference.

Yours Sincerely

Attie Serfontein

ARA National Director