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SABS Standards Quarterly

SABS Standards Quarterly | View the online version

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Message from the Executive

The year 2020 will go down in history as the year of global disruption that affected all sectors and citizens with significant socio-economic impacts. It has tested our resilience, our ability to adapt and articulate appropriate responses whilst identifying and implementing opportunities which are underpinned by innovation, agility and importantly digital transformation at an unprecedented pace.

As a founding member of ISO and a member of the IEC, the SABS celebrates its 75th Anniversary in 2020, embracing a rich history of International, Regional and National standardisation activities. 

These activities align acutely to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), our National Development plan including the reinvigorated industry priority sectors, respectively. The development and publication of relevant South African National Standards provides knowledge, information and solutions to support industry and policy objectives. As part of our 75th Anniversary the SABS would like to recognise the dedication and participation of our members of technical and sub-committees that drive the engine of technical solutions to address socio-economic challenges and opportunities.

Thank you for embracing the new normal of stakeholder engagements through virtual platforms in the process of developing national standards.

I would like to wish you a restful holiday season in the weeks to come, stay safe and be well.


Executive: Standards


SANS 10142-1:2020

A very important standard in the electro-technical industry which is a bestseller has recently been published.

SANS 10142-1: Wiring of Premises standard, ensures that people, animals and property are protected from hazards that can arise.

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ISO SANS 21001

Management System  for Educational Organisations

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SANS 10142-1

Low Voltage Wiring of Premises Management Systems

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SANS 22301

Security and Resilience – Business Continuity Management Systems

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SANS 37001

Anti-bribery Management System Standard      

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Number of new standards published during 2020, and 285 Standards re-affirmed.


Accredited courses hosted via online e-Learning platform enabling acceditation assessment.


Technical Commitees meetings hosted through virtual platforms.


Average number of days for a standard to reach publication status.



SANS 56000:2020 | INNOVATION MANAGEMENT | 50360@aN2GdSJ-xnxkCgTYBArkrSpdQiJmgLFEMNPdKqh_pz0.@” target=”_blank”> BUY HERE

Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 in local government.

SANS 18091:2020 | QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS | 50361@aN2GdSJ-xnxkCgTYBArkrSpdQiJmgLFEMNPdKqh_pz0.@” target=”_blank”> BUY HERE

Provides the vocabulary, fundamental concepts and principles of innovation management and its systematic implementation.

SANS 62109-2:2020 | SAFETY POWER CONVERTERS | 50362@aN2GdSJ-xnxkCgTYBArkrSpdQiJmgLFEMNPdKqh_pz0.@” target=”_blank”> BUY HERE

Safety power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems – Part 2: Particular requirements for inverters.

SANS 17029:2020 | CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT | 50363@aN2GdSJ-xnxkCgTYBArkrSpdQiJmgLFEMNPdKqh_pz0.@” target=”_blank”> BUY HERE

General principles and requirements for validation and verification bodies.

SANS 20611:2020 | ADVENTURE TOURISM | 50364@aN2GdSJ-xnxkCgTYBArkrSpdQiJmgLFEMNPdKqh_pz0.@” target=”_blank”> BUY HERE

Good practices for sustainability — Requirements and recommendations.


SANS/ISO 50001

This standard sets requirements for using energy efficiently and helps organizations save money as well as helping to conserve resources and tackle climate change.

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SANS/ISO 45001

SANS ISO 45001 helps organisations to improve employeesafety, reduce workplace risks and create better, safer working conditions, all over the world.

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SANS 21001

Applicable to any organisation that uses a curriculum to support the development of competence through teaching, learning or research, regardless of the type, size or method of delivery.

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