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Training matters: (1) February 2022 – Skills and Lifelong Learning Newsletter; (2) Education and Employers – Research Digest – February 2022; (3) Extension notice – merSETA grant funding window

Dear ARA Member,


  1. February 2022 – Skills and Lifelong Learning Newsletter – below (scroll down)


  1. Follow link to read the Education and Employers – Research Digest – February 2022


  1. Extension notice – merSETA grant funding window (discretionary grant 2022) – follow link to view –



Yours Sincerely – Team ARA


PS – To ALL ARA Members. Please download the Telegram App on your “smart-device” to join the “ARA SA INFORMATION GROUP” (use the following invite link, to gain access –



Attie Serfontein

National Director


tel:  +27 11 886 6300

cell: +27 82 452 5153



Automotive Remanufacturers’ Association


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  January – February 2022



Skills and Lifelong Learning




Knowledge Sharing Platform


This newsletter presents the latest events, news items and publications of the Knowledge Sharing Platform on Skills and Lifelong Learning of the International Labour Organization.
Visit the platform.










ILO launches a new exploration tool on skills mismatches


The ILO Skills for Jobs visualization tool extends the methodological approach by OECD to low-and-middle income countries, allowing users to explore the evolution of occupation and skills mismatches by country and occupation groups. Read more or access the tool.



Upcoming events



24 Feb—25 March

ITCILO course: Measuring Skills Mismatch. Read more



10 March

Webinar: Technological innovations in Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Read more



14 March—6 May

ITCILO course: Skills Development for Social Inclusion. Read more



28 March—15 April

ITCILO course: Establishment Skills Surveys. Read more



28 March—13 May

ITCILO course: MOOC on quality apprenticeships. Read more



28 March

ILO Skills Structured Funding Dialogue. Read more



29 March—30 March

South-East Asia Skills Forum. Read more






Latest news




Pandemic or no pandemic, young people need more skills training


Raymond’s story reminds us the urgent need to support the enhancement of education, training and skills development systems to ensure young people make a smooth transition from school to work. 

Learn more about how the ILO-UK Skills for Prosperity Programme is working closely with social partners in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines to make this happen.




The Ministry of Employment, Vocational Training, Learning and Integration (MEFPAI) in Senegal launched an online training course in the digital sector


To meet the needs of the digital economy, the SKILL-UP programme in Senegal (Phase II, under the GPSL3 Programme) supports the MEFPAI in the preparation of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to develop key skills for the creation of innovative businesses in the digital sector in Senegal. Read more (French)




UPSHIFT to elevate youth in Uganda with skills and social entrepreneurship


The joint ILO and UNICEF programme will impart life skills and improve employability of youth recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more




Competency-based vocational training programmes launched in Lebanon by Safadi Foundation and ILO


The new programmes will train young women and men on agri-food processing, welding, plumbing, and elderly home caregiving, including post-COVID-19 care. Trainings are delivered under the second phase of SKILL-UP in Lebanon, a component of the ILO Global Programme on Skills and Lifelong Learning (GPSL3). Read more




Trade union confederations signed a joint commitment to support Indonesia’s national initiative on skills development and lifelong learning programme


Five trade union confederations signed a Joint Commitment on Skills Development and Lifelong Learning Agenda, with support from the ILO, emphasizing the important roles and contributions of trade unions in Indonesia’s human capital development. Read more




Strengthening resilience of small businesses through access to knowledge and finance in Turkana County, Kenya


Under the PROSPECTS programme, the ILO and its partners are imparting business management skills to upskill enterprises owned by refugee and host communities in Turkana County, Kenya. Read more




UNICEF and ILO convene a skills roundtable to discuss strategic directions for the TVET sector in Lebanon


The roundtable brought together major development partners to reflect on a future course of action to address labour market needs in the current crisis situation in the country in order to build back better. Read more




Bringing recognition to the skills of informal “Jua Kali” sector workers in Kenya


The ILO, in collaboration with the Kenya National Qualifications Authority, launched the Recognition to prior learning (RPL) process in Kenya to enhance the employability of local refugee and host community youth. The RPL process will validate the under-recognized competencies of artisans and provide them new work opportunities. Read more




Skills for Prosperity Programme in Indonesia brings new perspectives to employers and educators to address discrimination and harassment in the maritime industry


This training programme, organized by the ILO Skills for Prosperity Programme in Indonesia, is estimated to benefit around 2000 students. It will help bring new perspectives to stakeholders and strengthen their commitment to mainstream anti-discrimination and anti-harassment measures in the workplace. Read more




Survey: Community of Practice on combatting forced labour through skills and lifelong learning in Africa


We invite constituents and partners in Africa to take this 5-minute survey. It aims to assess your interest in and priorities for a Community of Practice (CoP) that the ILO would like to establish with African partners. It expresses our willingness to continue our collaboration with Alliance 8.7 and the joint capacity building undertaken. The CoP also ensures the continuity of the Skills Innovation Challenge Call launched last year. It will also support the implementation of the two guidelines.
Answer our online survey.

















Bringing new opportunities in Kenya with welding skills


The ILO PROSPECTS programme in Kenya demonstrates the industrial training model to overcome skill mismatch challenge faced by the labour market, while improving employability of host and refugee communities. Watch the video




RAFPRO Regional Workshop in Senegal


In November 2021, the African Network of Institutions and Vocational Training Funds (RAFPRO in french) organized a regional workshop on the financing of vocational training for its members and multiple stakeholders from the vocational training sector in Africa.
Through high-level exchanges between managers, experts, actors from the public and private sectors, civil society and technical and financial partners, participants were able to deepen the concepts, tools, current practices and methods that are likely to improve and diversify the strategies for mobilizing and managing funding within the network. Watch the highlights




Skills for youth: From war to peace: A refugee’s journey to a new life


Refugee Morshed Ali was 14 when he was forced to flee the war in Syria, crossing the border into Turkey. Despite the challenges of living in a new country and learning a new language, he managed to enrol in university and graduated as an architect. Read Morshed’s story




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