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Training matters: (1) Minister Blade Nzimande: Budget Vote 2020/21; (2) Reminder – Extension of mandatory grant submissions and (3) ILO Employer and Business Member Organizations ‘Training Services’ Guide

27 July 2020


To:        NETC members

             RMI ADs

             RMI Regional Managers


Copy:    RMI Core Exco members


Training matters:  (1) Minister Blade Nzimande: Higher Education, Science and Innovation Dept Budget Vote 2020/21 (2) Extension of mandatory grant submissions and (3) Employer and Business Member Organizations (EBMOs) Guide


1.      Minister Blade Nzimande: Higher Education, Science, and Innovation Dept Budget Vote 2020/21


2.      Reminder – Extension of mandatory grant submissions


The Minister Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr. B E Nzimande has granted an extension for the submission of applications for mandatory grants for the 2020/2021 financial year. 


In terms of Regulation 4(1) of the SETA Grant Regulations, applications must now be submitted by 31 July 2020.  You can view the Government Gazette, 6 July 2020 No. 43508 in link


3.      New publication from the International Labour Organization (ILO) – Employer and Business Member Organizations (EBMOs) Guide


“This Guide offers considerations for Employer and Business Member Organizations (EBMOs) which are planning to set up or which are running

a training service. It focusses on the fundamental concepts of adult learning and the role of the trainer, proposes a step-by-step methodology on how to design training, and finally presents practical tools and tips to use innovative and engaging adult learning methodologies in training activities.”


Kind regards



Louis van Huyssteen

Training Director


tel:  +27 11 886 6300

cell: +27 82 560 6623



Retail Motor Industry Organisation



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