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Training matters: (1) Update on progress – National Skills Development Management System (NSDMS); (2) merSETA DISCRETIONARY GRANT FUNDING APPLICATION NOTICE EXTENSION

Dear RMI | ARA Member


Trust that you had a great start to the New Year 2022…


Please note the yellow highlighted parts which speaks to the merSETA Discretionary Grant Funding Application Notice Extension.


Important communication:


  1. Update on progress – National Skills Development Management System (NSDMS), attached.


  1. The merSETA Discretionary Grant Funding Application Notice Extension


See link and relevant attachments –


“The Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (merSETA) issued a call for funding applications with the closing date of 15 December 2021. The merSETA has taken a decision to extend the closing date of 15 December 2021 to 28 February 2022. The scope of the applications is also expanded to include DG funding application for the year 2022. /23. This extension means there will be no other calls for DG funding applications in February 2022 to April 2022. This however does not affect the call for legislated mandatory grant applications that will open 1 February to April 2022.


This extension call for discretionary grant funding applications is accompanied by guidelines which provide more details of the initiatives and set of related interventions for financial 2022/23, and requirements for application. Interested applicants must refer to the guidelines for this call to guide the substance of their applications (


NB: The stakeholder categories identified in the call for application originally closing 15 December 2021 are only counted for financial year ending 31 March 2022. Applicants who will be submitting applications for the 15 December call must be guided by the guideline that was issued indicating the focus areas of initiatives and related interventions. Given that the extension now includes application for 2022/23 these stakeholders are encouraged to make another application for financial year 1 April 2022 – March 2023 and mark it accordingly.


The merSETA has taken a decision to separate discretionary grant and mandatory grant application processes. An exclusive mandatory grant application process will commence 1 February 2022 ending 30 April 2022.”


Yours Sincerely – Team ARA


PS – To ALL ARA Members. Please download the Telegram App on your “smart-device” to join the “ARA SA INFORMATION GROUP” (use the following invite link, to gain access –



Attie Serfontein

National Director


tel:  +27 11 886 6300

cell: +27 82 452 5153



Automotive Remanufacturers’ Association


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