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RMI Web Letter – 18/03/2022


Belonging is Better Business



Motor Industries Provident Fund and Auto Workers Provident Fund webinar sessions

Following our webinars on Understanding your annual benefit statement which started in December 2021, we are pleased to announce that further webinars have been scheduled. These online webinar sessions will…

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Eastern Cape Automotive budget allocation  Comment on Finance MEC Budget speech – 8 March

The Eastern Cape Finance minister’s budget allocation speech on March 8 was a welcome boost to the province’s automotive manufacturing sector. “The positive posture that we are realising from the…

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Let’s Talk Business Series: Aftermarket Remanufacturing: Disruption and Evolution

Join us for the fourthinstalment of theLet’s Talk Businessseries,in association with Absa and supported by the RMI.The webinar seriesis locally focusedon industry-related topics, aimed at facilitating conversations and panel discussionswith…

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Driving on fumes

With experts predicting that the price of fuel could hit as high as R40 per litre, most South African motorists, whose monthly budgets are already strained, are now literally driving…

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Clampdown on roadside repairs for safety

JMPD recently carried out another clampdown on illegal roadside vehicle repairs which are in contravention of municipal by-laws. The Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), has come out in support of…

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Retail Motor Industry Organisation

330 Surrey Avenue, Surrey Square Office Park, Ferndale, Randburg

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