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RMI Web Letter – 12/01/2024




Road trip done and dusted – some basic checks worth considering

Holiday makers who travelled extensively over the festive season would have had their vehicles checked or serviced thoroughly in advance but now the road trip is done and dusted there may be some issues that need 

Benefits of belonging to the RMI 

Belonging to the RMI makes business sense. Below are a few reminders.
• We’ve been representing the retail motor industry for more than 115 years.
• With more than 8,500-member businesses, our unity is our strength.


Transforming Passion into a Career in Automotive Painting

In a world increasingly focused on innovation and technology, the automotive industry remains a vibrant canvas for artistic expression and technical mastery and an exciting opportunity for young talent wishing to 

Occupational health and safety training – online courses in 2024

Please find information below on the exciting Occupational Health & Safety Training taking place online. Once you have made payment your seat is guaranteed. We look forward to seeing you there





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