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REMINDER: RMI Newsflash – RMI’s Transformation drive: Have your say – Get involved and be part of the Transformation




RMI Newsflash – RMI’s Transformation drive: Have your say – Get involved and be part of the Transformation 

5 March 2024

Dear Valued Member,

As valued members of the Retail Motor Industry (RMI), your input is pivotal in steering our industry towards a brighter and more inclusive future. Our commitment to transformation is unwavering, and we invite you to be an active participant in this important journey.

Why your participation matters
INDUSTRY PULSE: By completing the Transformation Survey, you provide essential insights that help us understand the dynamics of our vibrant industry. This knowledge is crucial for engaging with governmental bodies and stakeholders on matters related to transformation.

DERACIALISED ECONOMY: We wholeheartedly support a deracialised economy, aiming to broaden and deepen economic growth, benefits and participation. Your involvement contributes directly to this broader vision.

STRATEGIC PLANNING: The information gathered will empower the RMI to plan and implement core strategic objectives effectively, ensuring the sustainable growth of our industry.

TRUE EMPOWERMENT: Your input helps us work towards genuine empowerment within the sector. This goes beyond meeting legislative requirements; it’s about creating opportunities for growth, reducing entrepreneurial burdens, and fostering a more skilled workforce.

BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRY: As proud South Africans and Proudly RMI members, your active participation can contribute to building a stronger and more sustainable automotive industry. Small changes now can lead to an impressive industry profile in the coming years.

Your questions answered

Q: Do I need to submit a B-BBEE certificate?
A: While there is no legal obligation, it makes good business sense. Many customers consider BBBEE ratings in their procurement measures, potentially impacting your business. If your business is an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME), you simply have to submit an affidavit to this effect.

Q: Who qualifies as BEE compliant suppliers in the retail motor industry?
1.  Any Business with a valid compliant certificate issued by a SANAS accredited verification agency; or
2.  Any Business with a valid EME Affidavit or QSE Affidavit.
• Only Businesses with an annual turnover of less than R10mil, are allowed to do an EME Affidavit.
•  Businesses with an annual turnover of between R10mil and R50mil are allowed to do a QSE Affidavit, provided it has 51% or more Black Ownership. 
•  Businesses with an annual turnover of between R10mil and R50mil, who are less than 51% Black Ownership, require a valid QSE certificate issued by a SANAS accredited verification agency.
• Businesses need to ensure they comply with their respective sector charters if there is a industry sector charter registered. 

Q: Is there a cost for submission?
A: No, there is no cost involved. Simply submit the necessary documentation to Noni Tshabalala via email at or contact the RMI head-office on 011 886 6300 for any queries.

Q: How can I improve my scorecard over time?
A: We are committed to supporting our members in this journey. Ongoing updates and webinars will be provided to help you enhance your score and potentially become eligible for more contracts.

Exclusive credit offer: Transform and save

We’re excited to share an exclusive opportunity with you that not only contributes to the establishment of transformation levels in our sector but also comes with rewarding benefits for your participation.

To express our appreciation for your commitment to transformation, the RMI Board is thrilled to announce a special credit offer on the 2023/2024 RMI subscription fee. This credit is our way of recognising your role in shaping the future of the automotive industry.

Qualifying criteria: Your roadmap to rewards

We understand that your time is precious, and we appreciate your dedication to transformation. To qualify for this exclusive credit, here’s a simplified roadmap:

1. BBBEE CERTIFICATE: Ensure your BBBEE Certificate is valid as at 31 December 2023, or submit an affidavit if your business is an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME).

2. COMPLETE THE TRANSFORMATION SURVEY: You must have completed the transformation survey online by 31 March 2024.

3. MEMBERSHIP FEES: Ensure your membership fees are paid once-off or on debit order.

4. GOOD STANDING: Maintain your status as a member in good standing with the RMI.

5. NEW MEMBERS: Members joining the RMI for the first time will not qualify; you’re encouraged to submit your BBBEE certificates upon registration with the RMI.

6. CORPORATE DEALS: These will qualify for R1 500 credit per business which will be capped at a maximum of 7.5% of the total value of the invoiced membership fees (excl VAT) payable by the corporate for the financial year starting 1 July 2023.

7. IDA, NAAASP AND MEMBERS WITH SPECIAL DISPENSATION: These members do not qualify but are encouraged to submit their BBBEE certification as part of the process of belonging to the RMI.

8. EXEMPTED MICRO ENTERPRISES: EMEs submitting BBBEE Affidavits will only be deemed valid if they have been correctly filled out and signed by a Commissioner of Oaths.

Please note that no credits will be paid out to a member for any reason. Any credits not utilised in 2023 will be offset against 2024 subscription fees.

Act now – Your involvement matters!

Your unique link to the Transformation Survey has been sent to your inbox. If you haven’t received it, no worries! Simply reach out to the RMI head-office at 011 886 6300 or email

Why Participate?
Your participation not only contributes towards establishing transformation levels and a more inclusive and empowered industry but, if you have completed the Transformation Survey by 31 March 2024, also positions you to save on your RMI subscription.





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