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RMI Web Letter – 08/12/2023

      Involved in an accident – here’s what to do December is one of the busiest periods on South African roads when thousands of people will either be […]

Petrol price adjustment – 6 December 2023

This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby notified that you may […]

RMI Web Letter – 01/12/2023

        Time to say farewell – a word from RMI’s CEO As I embark on my retirement, this will be my last Driver’s Seat and my heart […]

RMI Eeb Letter – 24/11/2023

      RMI Celebrating 115 years of excellence In a year marked once again by unprecedented economic challenges and worldwide uncertainties, the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), representing over […]

RMI Web Letter 17/11/2023

      merSETA Mandatory Grant communique RMI employer members registered with the merSETA, please take note of this communication regarding the disbursement of mandatory grants. This notice confirms the […]